UPDATE: Diana Elizabeth Rojas Gonzaga was located today at approximately 4:00 p.m. in Long Beach, according to Long Beach Police Department.
A 13-year-old girl disappeared while exercising outside her Long Beach home Tuesday, April 6 around 4 p.m.
Diana Elizabeth Rojas Gonzaga had been working out with her sister outside their home near 10th Street and Junipero Avenue when her sister left her alone for a short period of around 5 minutes. When her sister came back, Gonzaga was gone.
[The above map pinpoints the approximate area where Diana Elizabeth Rojas Gonzaga went missing, rather than an exact location.]
According to an LBPD press release published April 7, Gonzaga has never run away from home, has no transportation and didn’t take her cell phone with her.
As of publication time, she has been missing for over 18 hours.
She was last seen wearing black and orange pants, gray sandals and a black v-neck shirt.
Gonzaga is described as Latina, with brown hair and brown eyes. She is 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighs approximately 150 pounds.
A spokesperson for Gonzaga’s family told the Signal Tribune, that they “are very worried about their daughter.”
Anyone who has information about Gonzaga is asked to contact her family at 714-916-6559, L.B.P.D. Missing Persons Detail at (562) 570-7246 or Police Dispatch at (562) 435-6711.