Thoughts from the Publisher

<strong>Mel Pinkham as Santa (left) and Melissa Zambrano of Urban Cottage</strong>
Mel Pinkham as Santa (left) and Melissa Zambrano of Urban Cottage
by Neena Strichart

The end of last week was especially busy and fruitful for me.
Early Friday morning I received a frantic call at home from one of my co-workers. He said that our advertiser Melissa Zambrano from Urban Cottage was desperately trying to reach me. I quickly called her to see how I could help.
When she answered the phone, she shared with me that she was hosting a big fundraising event at her place of business the next day for Los Cerritos Elementary School, but alas, the fellow she had hired to play Santa during the festivities had just been taken ill and was in the hospital.
Before I could reply to her dilemma, Melissa blurted out that she had just read our paper, saw the article on Mel Pinkham with Knights of Pythias (a Santa Claus look-alike) and begged me to call him and see if he would help her out.
I agreed and called “Uncle Mel.” He said, “yes.” I gave him Melissa’s phone number, and the rest is history.
I was there Saturday afternoon when our dear Mel arrived at the event and was absolutely teary-eyed when I saw him emerge from the “dressing room” dressed as Santa. I brought Mother with me and couldn’t resist putting her in the photos you see here and on the front page.
I thank Mel for helping out and am so grateful Melissa reached out to us for assistance. What is the moral of the story? It pays to read the Signal Tribune!
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Immediately following the Urban Cottage event I high-tailed it home to get ready for the Daisy Lane Parade.
What a wonderfully well-choreographed event! Kudos go out to all who coordinated and participated in the parade. Steve and I rode down Daisy Lane in our 1971-right-hand-drive postal jeep and loved every minute of it.
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See the front page and right for a few pictures from the parade.
