I attended the Feb. 18, 2014 [Signal Hill] City Council meeting and heard very interesting information and opinions about the proposed City’s Resolution Opposing The Taxpayers’ Right to Know and Vote initiative. The most interesting and meaningful things that I heard were Councilwoman [Lori] Woods and City Treasurer [Emerson] Fersch explain how they had signed the original initiative based on their then understanding of the proposal and now they have changed their minds based on more information and City service experience. They were now opposing the initiative.
It is difficult and probably embarrassing to do this in front of audience members that you had once supported. I applaud both Councilwoman Woods and Treasurer Fersch for doing the right thing and making such a change in front of previous supporters and for presenting an intelligent discussion why they made the change. Let’s hope that the majority of people that signed the original initiative will also listen to the information presented by the City and change their vote to “no” on the initiative in the June 3, 2014 election.
Gary Dudley
Signal Hill