Fitness program caters to the goal-oriented woman

EZ8 Running Boot Camp is changing lives, redefining how women look at themselves. The ultimate goal of EZ8 Running Boot Camp is to be able to run an 8-minute mile with ease, thus the name…Easy Eight (EZ8). EZ8 is owned by Shannon Paul, and operated by her and trainers Shawdee Ghavimi and Caroline Fiegen. Shannon applies the latest, cutting-edge training and sports nutrition information to help women achieve their fitness goals. Registration has now begun for 2008.
The original Adventure boot camp in Long Beach has now added this totally new concept in fitness for women and has become widely popular for the diversity of its exercises that include speed and agility drills, core conditioning, jogging, running, kickboxing, leg strengthening, running techniques, breathing techniques, stamina building, correct shoe choice and much more, conducted in a variety of outdoor venues.
The program is a six-week, one-hour and ten-minute per day camp. Women can attend the three-day-a-week Monday, Wednesday, Friday program for a total of $195. Camp starts promptly at 5:20 a.m. and finishes at 6:30 a.m. sharp. The next session starts June 16.
These EZ8 running boot campers experience the benefits of 25-30 percent increase in running stamina and strength, 3-5 percent reduction in body fat, a 5-12 pound weight loss, 1-3 inch reduction in the midsection and a marked increase in confidence. In addition, all registered running boot camp participants receive an EZ8 Running Boot Camp T-shirt.
EZ8 Running Boot Camp, the only certified running boot camp in Long Beach, is geared to offer the benefits of having a personal trainer in an environment of camaraderie with others that share similar goals. Each woman will work at her own pace, and all levels of fitness are welcome. The only prerequisite is that each woman must be able to run one mile without having to stop and walk.
Women are reminded that because of the growing popularity of this new and totally unique fitness program, each running boot camp sells out quickly and is limited to 30 boot campers. To register, visit
For more information, contact Shannon Paul at (562) 225-4181.
