Cambodian New Year Parade to return after two-year hiatus

After a two-year hiatus due to lack of funding, the Cambodian Coordinating Council (Cam-CC) will resume hosting its annual Cambodian New Year Parade on Sunday, April 6 in Cambodia Town. The parade will start at 10am on Anaheim Street at the Junipero Avenue intersection and end at MacArthur Park located between Warren Avenue and Mahanna Avenue on Anaheim Street.
Cam-CC hosted the first Cambodian New Year parade in 2005. The intention was to provide a free and inclusive event to the community collaborating with local leaders to unite members of the community by showcasing floats, dancers, musicians, cultural and traditional art, etc. The annual event is funded solely by contributions from businesses and private donors. Volunteers assist with every aspect of the event, such as publicity, registration, fundraising, setting up and cleaning.
In addition to the Cambodian New Year Parade, Cam-CC will also host the Cambodian New Year Celebration on Saturday, April 19 in Long Beach at El Dorado Park, Area III.
One of Cam-CC’s primary objectives is to preserve the Cambodian culture and share it with others in the community in order to foster the understanding and alleviate nuisances between different ethnic groups, according to Thy Chan, event coordinator, Cambodian New Years Parade and Park Celebration 2014.

Source: Thy Chan
