Power trips
The letter to the Signal Tribune by Diana Lejins [“Candid about candidates,” March 7, 2014] regarding our politicians and their ups and downs in the political arena was right-on. I give her 100 percent.
However, even the most honest and trustworthy of candidates slips and falls after they hold office for any length of time. It becomes the “I deserve this and more” curse. It touches all people who become obsessed with power and feel invulnerable.
I wish I had an answer but, like most of us mortals, I can see it, hear it and feel it but I can’t change it. People in power are the only ones who can do that, and it becomes almost impossible once you gain that place in the sun.
John Edward Dalberg Acton (1834-1902) said it best: “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men…There is no worse heresy than that the office sanctifies the holder of it.”
Doesn’t that ring a bell?” Bell, California that is.
Vivian C. Nelson
Long Beach
Better to be ‘Safe’
I am pleased to share news that the Safe Surrender program celebrated success for the third time this year.
A newborn baby boy was surrendered at a fire station in the city of Los Angeles on March 1. This newborn is the 116th baby to be safely surrendered in Los Angeles County since we launched the program in 2001.
While it is difficult to “celebrate” a baby being given up, we must recognize the courage it took for this mother, who found herself in a desperate situation, to make a better choice for her child.
Thanks to the Safe Surrender program, this baby boy has a second chance at life. What could have been a tragic situation is instead a decision that allows this child the chance to be part of a loving family.
As word continues to spread about the program, desperate mothers in similar situations can make the right choice for their babies and themselves, because of Safe Surrender.
Don Knabe
Fourth District Supervisor
L.A. County
O’Neill appeal
I was interested in knowing how Beverly was doing [“Former LB Mayor Beverly O’Neill makes comeback as host of public-access TV show about nonprofits, July 5, 2013]. She was my kindergarten teacher at Emerson in Long Beach. About 10 years back I recognized her at a furniture store in Fountain Valley, and she and I spoke. She was lovely as I remembered her in my first class. So glad she is doing so well. Please give her my best regards!
Patricia Fusco
(website comment)