31 Cent Scoop Night gives to community

baskin-robbins.jpgBaskin-Robbins kicked off summer with a special 31 Cent Scoop Night May 2. The event also helped the Long Beach Fire Department raise funds as the corporation encouraged the local firehouses to attend and collect donations.
On the 31 Cent Scoop Night, Jane Ho, owner/operator of two Baskin-Robbins stores along Atlantic Avenue, partnered with Long Beach Fire Station No. 9. The firefighters were at the 3543 Atlantic store, taking photos with the visiting guests and scooping ice cream for customers waiting in line.
“We had quite a few people,” Ho said of the approximately 200-230 people who showed up to one store. “We were very busy all night long.”
“When the night was over, the two stores combined scooped close to 5,000 scoops during the 5 hours,” said Susan Hsu, store manager at 3543 Atlantic Avenue. “What a wonderful event to kick off the summer season and great way to invite guests to try out our more than 31 flavors of ice cream with such a good cause–to support our fire fighters.”
Baskin-Robbins is partnering with the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF), an organization that honors America’s fallen fire heroes and their families. Since Congress established it in 1992, NFFF has developed and expanded programs to remember fallen firefighters and assist their families and coworkers. Baskin-Robbins donated $100,000 to NFFF in celebration of 31 Cent Scoop Night. The donation will be used to help support the organization’s programs, including Everyone Goes Home, a program that helps to prevent fire fighting line-of-duty deaths and injuries.
“Thirty-one Cent Scoop Night gives us a wonderful opportunity to show customers our appreciation and at the same time support a great organization, the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation,” said Ken Kimmel, Baskin-Robbins’ brand officer. “We are thrilled to host this event and mark the unofficial start to summer!”
