It was such a pleasure to meet so many of you— longtime and recent supporters and even donors— at our 25th anniversary gala. I always get a good feeling putting a face to a name and spending time with like-minded, passionate people who came to our organization for the same reason I did: to make hunger less of a reality. You all make a huge difference towards our success.
Now that our holiday food drive is in full swing, I am reminded of my amazing mother who had three spoiled girls that refused to drink powered milk, even though it was half the cost of regular milk. As the enterprising person that she was, she saved the milk cartons and mixed powdered milk with the “real stuff!” This savings gave our budget that extra kick it needed, especially around the holidays.
Experiences like that help me relate to many of our recipients and how having a little extra something can mean so much.
There are so many ways you can be an ambassador for food rescue. Do you own a business [or] backyard garden, have a few hours to invest in the community? Consider joining as a volunteer or board member, and help us grow into the next 25 years! I can’t imagine a more rewarding feeling than helping provide people with a basic need like food. What better time to get started than the holidays?
Maryjane Canyon
Board President
Food Finders
Ed. note: To contact Food Finders, visit, email or call (562) 283-1400.