Letter: Snail-mail fail

We want you to know that we enjoy the Tribune and gain a great deal of pertinent information from it weekly. We have recently read the article written by Cory Bilicko in the Feb. 27 edition of the Signal Tribune (“USPS officials hope to open new Bixby Knolls post office by mid summer” ). The article was quite complete and well composed, except that Mr. Bilicko stated that the primary concern of those in attendance at the meeting appeared to be “lack of safety” at the Market Street post office. That is the only area in the article where we are in disagreement.
In our observation, the major concern certainly has to do with the disgraceful appearance of [the Market Street] post office, [which is] very dirty on the inside and the outside as well. Too, safe and sufficient parking is a no-no. The curb in front is painted red and is hazardous. The across-the-street parking is/was overflowing with mud, et al. The outside and inside mailing sites made no sense. Available? Very difficult access.
Four or five Long Beach postal managers were at the meeting. No one felt pleased with the status quo. The anticipated planned move has not allowed the neighborhood…needed postal services.
Hopefully, our local and state representatives will accept the area’s need [for] improved postal services.
One of the major questions [we] had was, Where were the Long Beach postmaster and his staff early in November 2014 when the staff at the Bixby Knolls post office were telling us that they had to move but they did not know where they would end up? So nothing actually happened until February 2015! And we do hope the leasing agent sent from San Francisco knows or learns enough about our area when decisions are made.
Dorothy and Paul Hartstein
Long Beach
