Rancho Los Cerritos seeking volunteers for elementary program

Rancho Los Cerritos (RLC) is looking for volunteers to lead tours of its historic home and gardens for visiting students as part of its elementary-school program, Adobe Days Revisited, an interactive-learning opportunity for 4th graders, according to the rancho in a press release this week.
RLC’s field trips are staffed by volunteers, who don 19th-century costumes and portray historical figures in order to teach 4th graders about life on a California ranch, circa the 1870s.
“It’s so rewarding for volunteers to give back to the community,” said Laura Willbanks, RLC volunteer coordinator. “And kids can’t believe what they’re seeing. These city kids can take a trip to the ‘country’ and learn about history at the same time.”
This year, RLC is in need of new volunteers. Free training is available to all members of the public who are interested in becoming school docents. Training takes place from 9:30am to 12:30pm every Wednesday from Sept. 12 through Oct. 31.
Those interested in learning more about becoming a school docent can contact RLC at (562) 206-2040 or rancho@rancholoscerritos.org.
