Quilters by the Sea donates 32 quilts to WomenShelter of Long Beach

A member of Quilters by the Sea holds up a quilt he made. The group donates hundreds of quilts to nonprofits and community organizations each year. All quilts are washed and dried with scent free products and handled by gloved Community Relations Committee members. (Image Courtesy Kate Weber)

The Long Beach nonprofit Quilters by the Sea continued their long-standing tradition of donating to the WomenShelter of Long Beach Tuesday by dropping off 32 hand-stitched quilts. 

“The fact that it’s handmade, especially the little ones that they make for the kids, they absolutely love it. They put it in their playroom. They sleep on it and take naps,” said Nina Taweepong, the WomenShelter executive assistant in charge of donations. “I can’t express how grateful we are that they’re doing this for us.”

The quilts will become part of the care packages that women receive when they are admitted to the shelter. The packages also include everyday hygiene products, personal care products, a hairbrush, a toothbrush and other supplies.

The 32 donated quilts came in a variety of sizes and patterns—larger quilts for adults and smaller quilts for children who are admitted with their mothers. Children’s blankets are adorned with animals or Disney characters, while others have spring gardens full of tulips or intricate patterns. 

Quilters by the Sea has been donating quilts since its inception 29 years ago, according to quilting guild President Kate Weber. 

The nearly 100-member guild has donated quilts to abuse prevention nonprofit For the Child; the Long Beach Veterans Affairs Hospital; New Life Beginnings, a nonprofit that helps pregnant women experiencing homeless; and the Long Beach Police Department, who gives the quilts to victims. 

They give out between 375 and 400 quilts a year, each valued at approximately $125, according to Weber. 

“You sit there saying, ‘But where do they all go?’” Weber said. “The family that gets on its feet this week is replaced by the family who’s falling on hard times, so there’s always a need. There’s always a need. I don’t know any of us that aren’t happy to make quilts to give away.”

Taweepong said she doesn’t view the quilts by their monetary value, but rather the emotional support they give to victims of domestic violence, the fact that “somebody actually sat down and made these for them” and said her clients are “so appreciative of them.”

The WomenShelter of Long Beach provides free support services for victims of domestic violence, including emergency supportive housing and legal, medical and mental advocacy for victims and their children.

“Most victims remain silent because of fear of not being believed,” Taweepong said. “And that’s the biggest hurdle we have to overcome.”

More information about the WomenShelter of Long Beach is available at www.womenshelterlb.org. More information about the Quilters by the Sea nonprofit is available at www.quiltersbythesea.com.
