A 50-year-old time capsule buried in Downtown Long Beach will be unearthed by Long Beach’s Development Services Department on Monday, October 10 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
The “Where Were You in ‘72?” event will correspond with the 50th anniversary of the time capsule’s burial on October 10, 1972, by the former Long Beach Redevelopment Agency (RDA).
Vice Mayor Rex Richardson and Councilmember Mary Zendejas will be joined by Allan Robertson, the retired Executive Director of the former Long Beach RDA. The City’s Cultural Heritage Commission, the Historical Society of Long Beach, Port of Long Beach, the Downtown Long Beach Alliance as well as participants of the 1972 capsule burial will also be present.
The event will be held at the time capsule’s burial site at Oceangate Tower and Plaza in Downtown Long Beach located at 100 Oceangate. Residents in attendance can view the live unveiling of the capsule and its unearthed items.
Community members unable to attend in person are invited to watch the ceremony on the City of Long Beach’s Facebook page, the Long Beach Development Services Department’s Facebook page or on Long Beach Television at LBTV3.com.