Airport insecurity?

Last week, our feeling of security was once again shattered when a man with a gun shot his way into Terminal 3 at LAX, killing a TSA agent and wounding others.
This was a senseless act of violence that, if not for the heroic actions of our first responders, could have been much worse. My heart goes out to the victims and their families as they begin to rebuild their lives.
Tragedies like what happened at LAX on Friday often leave us shaken and asking the question, “Why?”
When I was Mayor of Cerritos, our city experienced an air crash that killed people in the air as well as on the ground. I can still vividly remember the horrific things I witnessed that day. The crash impacted the lives of our residents, both physically and emotionally. Many still cope with that tragedy to this day.
When unexpected tragedies occur, the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health is an incredible place to turn. Sudden events like the shooting at LAX or the Cerritos Air Crash make us question our sense of safety. Speaking to a professional can help restore your feeling of security.
If you are coping with a recent tragedy, I encourage you to call the confidential, 24-hour ACCESS helpline at 800-854-7771 to speak with someone who can provide you with ways to help yourself, your family and others.

Don Knabe
Los Angeles County Supervisor
Fourth District
