An emphasis on togetherness, teamwork

The Long Beach Boy Scout organization is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year after it was founded in 1919. It has a diverse set of programs for both boys and girls. The Signal Tribune interviewed a child in each of the different programs the organization has to offer.

Below, you will see what a Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Venturer, Explorer and an Eagle Scout believe is the most important lesson they have learned from their program. We were unable to get a response from a Sea Scout in time for publication.

The questions posed to all of our sources were: What is the most valuable lesson you have learned from your program? How did you learn it?

Noah Devine
Discovery rank
Age 18
Long Beach resident

“I would definitely say the ability to lead a group of people who are actually similar to you in age and [to be] able to gain the respect of them. When you are leading people [in Venturing] […] you have to learn the ability to gain respect in other ways, like oral communication and setting principles. My defining moment was at Philmont Scout Ranch, [when] we went on an 85-mile, full-day backpacking trip, and […] each of us had to be the leader for the day. On my day [to lead], we had to navigate our way to the next campsite and I was able to get the respect of people older than me by just being very confident.”

Photo by Natja Blomer-Vargas

Eagle Scout
Anthony Vargas
Troop 224, Life Scout
Age 17
Long Beach resident

“The biggest thing that I have learned is working with others […]and just to be able to show your leadership skills and not [be] like a boss. Being a boss, you just tell people what to do and they have to do it. Being a leader is showing them how to do it by using the EDGE method. You teach them […], [you] demonstrate with an example, you guide them through them doing it themselves, and they show you how to do it. As preparing for my Eagle Scout, I basically learned […] you need to be able to show people […] how to do this certain activity you are wanting them to do in your project, or else they are not going to be able to do it.”



Photo by Austin Hoyte

Chloe Smith
Crew Chief rank with an interest in firefighting
Age 17
Long Beach resident

“Search and Rescue (SAR) has taught us to take every opportunity that we are given. Just joining Search and Rescue was an opportunity. Over the summer, I was actually given the opportunity to intern with the Long Beach Fire Department through the Port of Long Beach. So, that was a huge opportunity. I got a lot of [practice] […] working with community service, public outreach […] and ride-alongs. It just opened a lot of doors, [and] it’s still opening doors.”



Cub Scout
Arturo Leon
Pack 32, Webelo 1
Age 10
Long Beach resident

“[To] always help others. [I help others] because it’s always a good thing to do. First-aid is important, because if someone is choking or anything, you know how to help them. [During Christmastime], we put a giving tree in the church for Christmas, [and] people put presents under it. There are ornaments [that] have names for either girls’ clothes or boys’ clothes or toys, and they’ll put it on a present and we give it to Marian Outreach Center.



Photo by Margo Nieuwendijk

Boy Scout
Zack Adler
Troop 74, Life Scout
Age 17
Long Beach resident

“[Since] the very beginning of my journey of Boy Scouts, […] [there] has been a strong emphasis on working together to achieve something greater. Three years ago, I was backpacking at Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico for two weeks. We were scared, [and] we didn’t know what to expect. For example, I was rock climbing, and there was this really tough route. I was too short to do it, but everyone else was cheering me on and enabled me to do it. A friend of mine had asthma, and it was really hard for him to go over the hill, so we carried his pack for him.”
