Emma DiMaggio, Managing Editor
314 posts
No se necesita una aldea: cinco residentes de la parte norte de Long Beach se unen para alimentar a su comunidad
El sábado pasado, los miembros de Norfside Long Beach Food Drive se despertaron en las primeras horas de…
October 13, 2020
‘The Mother of Cambodia Town’ Rosana Chanou, co-founder of Cambodia Town Initiative Task Force, dies of lung cancer
Last Friday, Oct. 9, community members gathered to celebrate the life of Rosana Chanou, 69, who died of…
October 13, 2020
It doesn’t take a village: Five North Long Beach residents band together to feed their community
This past Saturday, the members of the Norfside Long Beach Food Drive woke in the early hours of…
October 12, 2020
For Ten Mile Brewing, the pandemic has been a sobering experience, but reopening brings hope
On Tuesday, Sept. 29, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors announced some long-awaited news for wineries and…
October 8, 2020
Cambodia Town Cultural Festival and Parade to take place fully online, honoring women and fostering cultural pride
Despite a few bumps along the way, this year’s Cambodian Cultural Festival and Parade will take place digitally…
September 25, 2020
Measure US: If passed, revenues from oil barrel production tax to be spent on climate, youth and community health
On Nov. 3, Long Beach residents will vote on Measure US, an oil barrel production tax whose revenues…
September 16, 2020
Restaurants get a boost as LB City Council allows parklets to stay until end of the year
Residents’ favorite restaurant parklets are here to stay, at least until the end of the year. At their…
September 16, 2020
La policía mantiene su estatura mientras el consejo municipal de Long Beach aprueba el presupuesto 2021
Meses de protestas llegaron a un punto de inflexión el martes, 8 de Septiembre por la noche cuando…
September 11, 2020
LB councilmembers to join city staff in furloughs to plug deficit
On Tuesday, Sept. 8 Long Beach councilmembers unanimously approved a voluntary furlough program that allows them to donate…
September 9, 2020
Police maintain stature as LB City Council approves 2021 budget
Months of protests came to an inflection point on Tuesday night as the Long Beach City Council settled…
September 9, 2020