Kristen Farrah Naeem, Staff Writer
497 posts
Long Beach City Council pauses cannabis tax increase, extends dispensary hours
Long Beach City Council has decided to wait on raising the retail tax on cannabis until they get…
September 18, 2020
Growing community: Plantiitas in Long Beach sells plants to teach self care
A newly formed plant business, Plantiitas, is helping communities of color reconnect to their mental health and ancestral…
September 15, 2020
Double grand opening for newest additions to Uptown Commons in North Long Beach
Uptown Commons in the North Side of Long Beach drew a large crowd during the simultaneous grand opening…
September 7, 2020
Police reform bill cosponsored by Black Lives Matter CA fails to pass State Assembly
A senate bill geared towards creating a process to decertify police officers who misuse their authority, SB-731, didn’t…
September 4, 2020
Cesar Rodriguez’s family marches to Wardlow station, site of in-custody death three years ago
Protesters and other families who have lost their loved ones to police violence gathered in solidarity with the…
September 2, 2020
Long Beach small business owners participate in outdoor market place
With many stores and venues closing or limiting operations due to the pandemic, Reasons to Love Long Beach…
September 1, 2020
Long Beach tenants protest with a caravan for renters’ rights
Neighborhoods throughout West Side and downtown Long Beach were visited by a caravan of protesters advocating for tenants’…
August 25, 2020
Compassionate Cannabis Program provides free medical marijuana to low income Long Beach residents
The Long Beach Collective Association, a network of cannabis businesses, is providing free marijuana and other cannabis products…
August 18, 2020
Grupos de activistas locales exigen servicios de traducción para todas las reuniones del Consejo Municipal de la ciudad de Long Beach
Unos grupos de activistas locales están pidiendo que las reuniones del Consejo de la Ciudad estén disponibles en…
August 11, 2020
Teachers, parents and students protest LBUSD board meeting over lack of flexibility in upcoming semester
A line of cars holding teachers, parents and students lined up on Hughes Way, extending down Via Oro,…
August 10, 2020