Kristen Farrah Naeem, Staff Writer
497 posts
Current and former LBUSD students protest racism within school district
“Whose schools?” “Our schools!” chanted the crowd assembled outside the Long Beach Unified School District’s office, to remind…
June 18, 2020
Funeral procession from LB to LA protested against police brutality and honored the lives of George Floyd, Long Beach’s Fredrick Taft and others lost to racist violence
Trigger Warning: The following story contains graphic details. The Long Beach chapter of Black Lives Matter organized a…
June 17, 2020
Padre en Long Beach liberado del centro de detención de ICE después de que la comunidad recaudara $ 23,000 para rescatarlo
Un padre de Long Beach, Nicolás Martínez Telles, finalmente podrá regresar a casa con sus hijos después de…
June 15, 2020
Long Beach dad bailed out of ICE detention center after community raises $23,000
A Long Beach father, Nicolas Martinez Telles, will be able to return home to his children after over…
June 15, 2020
Long Beach protesters continue to march for George Floyd against police brutality and systematic racism
“Why is protest necessary for putting blatant murderers in prison?” read the sign behind local experimental punk-rock band…
June 11, 2020
With inequalities faced by pregnant black women in white-dominated hospital settings, Long Beach based Birth Workers of Color Collective provide support and advocacy for POC
In hospital settings that are dominated by white health care providers, the complaints and concerns of black people…
June 3, 2020
Long Beach hospitals begin experimental convalescent plasma therapy for COVID-19
MemorialCare Long Beach Medical Center and Miller Children and Women’s Hospital Long Beach are among the four MemorialCare…
May 26, 2020
California’s DRAI program provides $500 in assistance to undocumented immigrants
The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) is providing a one time payment of $500 to undocumented immigrants…
May 21, 2020
Sanctuary LB Coalition cosponsors proposed VISION Act that would aid incarcerated immigrants
The Sanctuary Long Beach Coalition is cosponsoring the VISION Act, Assembly Bill 2596, introduced by California State Assembly…
May 20, 2020
California Department of Food and Agriculture places insect traps in Long Beach yards
Notices by the California Department of Food and Agriculture were taped to the door of Long Beach residents…
May 19, 2020