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Letters to the Editor
546 posts
Website Comments: Parental discretion is advised
I personally think the [Long Beach City] Council should be more concerned with whether or not citizens actually…
March 14, 2014
Letter to the Editor: Candid about candidates
Voters should be wary of candidates who are “rich” with endorsements. Many of them have sold their souls…
March 7, 2014
Letter to the Editor: Well-being vs. welfare
Terrific letter and wonderful outcome for the future life of that 15-year-old girl [“Close to home,” Letters, emails…
March 7, 2014
Letter to the Editor: Close to home
Last week, the Long Beach Police Department’s aggressive efforts to combat human trafficking in the city of Long…
February 28, 2014
Letter to the Editor: Taking the initiative
In reading both an article that appeared in the Feb. 21, 2014 edition of the Signal Tribune [“Signal…
February 28, 2014
Letter to the Editor: Changes of heart?
I attended the Feb. 18, 2014 [Signal Hill] City Council meeting and heard very interesting information and opinions…
February 21, 2014
Letter to the Editor: How safe and sane?
Cities where fireworks are allowed on July 4 end up looking like war zones. Their air is suffocating,…
February 7, 2014
Letter to the Editor: New sheriff in town
Last Thursday, Orange County Undersheriff John Scott was officially sworn in as interim Los Angeles County sheriff, following…
February 7, 2014
Letters and Email
Bowing out One of the reasons I became a candidate for the 7th District seat on the Long…
January 10, 2014
Letters and Email
Where’s Mr. Rogers when you need him? I keep asking myself “Why?” People come to America for freedom…
January 3, 2014