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Letters to the Editor
546 posts
Letters and Email
‘Right’ down the wrong road In looking for words to describe the “Know and Vote” initiative, several readily…
December 27, 2013
Letters and Email
Getting some FaceTime My name is Joy, and [Neena and I] spoke as I FaceTimed with my daughter…
December 20, 2013
Letters and Email
Thinking forwardly, or foolishly? A proposed city charter amendment has been proposed as the [Right to] Know and…
December 13, 2013
Letters and email to the Editor: That’s ‘Right,’ right?
After reading the comments from Signal Hill Community First [Letters and Email,” More to ‘Know,’ Nov. 22, 2013]…
December 6, 2013
Letters and email to the Editor: Easy access
I’m the director of, the public-access television channel in Long Beach. I’m writing regarding your Nov. 29…
December 6, 2013
Letters and email
More to ‘Know’ On June 3, 2014, Signal Hill voters will have the opportunity to approve The Taxpayer’s…
November 22, 2013
Letters to the editor and email
Boosting the Boosters Thank you, Signal Tribune, for running our Millikan Rams Baseball car wash press release in…
November 15, 2013
For the ‘record’
Hello, Cory [Bilicko]. A few years back, in 2009, I was honored to read a review you wrote…
November 8, 2013
Airport insecurity?
Last week, our feeling of security was once again shattered when a man with a gun shot his…
November 8, 2013
Removing the ‘ease’ from easement
In the 69 years I have lived in my house, I can honestly say the Long Beach Police…
November 8, 2013