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1147 posts
Signal Hill has a new treasure– a brand new state of the art Library! As hundreds of families…
August 16, 2019
Op-Ed: Long Beach water-rate increase
Never in the recent history of Long Beach have water rates been raised by double digits– and the…
August 5, 2019
Small steps to achieve a 93-year-old dream
Fifty years ago it was hard to find Signal Hill’s public library. The catacomb library was hidden deep…
August 2, 2019
Commentary: Trying something new
[aesop_character img=”” name=”Sebastian Echeverry” caption=”Managing Editor” align=”left” force_circle=”off” revealfx=”frombelow”] If you’ve been a long-time reader of the Signal…
July 26, 2019
Commentary: Tips for keeping pets cool in the heat
Warm weather is officially here! Please, keep in mind that your furry friends need some extra assistance to…
July 26, 2019
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: An overlooked snub?
I’m old enough (but not thrilled to admit) to have personally observed the 1957 Miss Universe Pageant that…
July 24, 2019
Commentary: Like a Ninja…Turtle
No good deed goes unpunished. You’ve all heard this before but I learned it the hard way. In…
July 19, 2019
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Worth all the money?
Long Beach taxpayers can’t afford the salaries we pay city employees. Our city has some of the highest…
July 12, 2019
First Black Miss Universe Contestant: Ginette Cidalise-Montais, “Miss Martinique”
Back in the 1950s and 60s Long Beach became a focus for the international news media when it…
July 12, 2019
LETTER: America at Half-Staff
On Monday, June 25, 2018, our son Captain David Rosa was shot and killed by a resident of…
July 5, 2019