The City of Signal Hill Community Services Department announces the completion of the renovation project at Reservoir Park on Gundry Avenue during a dedication ceremony Wednesday, April 27 at the park. With residents, visitors and members of the City Council and the Parks & Recreation Commission in attendance, the event included a dedication of the sustainable landscape garden and demonstrations of workout programs using the new exercise equipment.
Mayor Larry Forester described the improvements to Reservoir Park including new landscaping to demonstrate sustainable water usage. Located on the south side of the park, the new garden features a wildflower meadow, native plants and drought-tolerant shrubs. Paths of permeable concrete wind throughout, with decorative rocks and benches made of recycled material for seating. Infiltration swales collect rainwater in a gully where cobble and gravel create a drainage “sink” that allows the water to stay on-site rather than ending up in the storm drain. Bio-swales add grasses to the infiltration swales to clean the storm water as it flows through.
As part of the City’s ongoing efforts to provide active opportunities, four new pieces of outdoor fitness equipment for adults have been installed. The three-sided stations are ADA-compatible and promote functional fitness with exercises that enhance strength and flexibility.
The project was completely funded by grants from Proposition 40, which was passed by voters in March 2002.