Comic book signing in downtown Long Beach for “Out of Order Series,” on mental illness

“Out of Order” is a comic book series made by married couple Mike Ahn and Seol Young Lee that narrates their relationship and struggles surrounding Ahn’s mental illness.

The comic making couple, Mike Ahn and Seol Young Lee, will be signing copies of their comic books from their “Out of Order” series, which tells the true story of the couple’s battle with mental illness, on Wednesday, July 15 at Atomic Basement Comics in Long Beach.

Ahn described the series as “a slice of life, autobiographical, twisted romance.”

The “Out of Order” series tells the true story of how the married couple came to terms with Mike’s schizophrenia diagnosis. There are 5 books in the series, which customers can purchase and have signed from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Wednesday. All “Out of Order” comics are $5 each.

The series was written by Young Lee and illustrated by Ahn.

Ahn shared the couple’s creation with other comic fans at Comic Expo 2020, on Saturday, Jan. 11 and Sunday, Jan. 12.

“I’ve had this mental illness now for about 20 years,” Ahn told the Signal Tribune on Jan. 12. “It’s schizophrenia, and it’s a pretty big one. And it’s been rough, really, really, rough. Our lives have been just so difficult for a very long time. So we wanted to make something positive out of something very negative.”

According to the Mayo Clinic, schizophrenia is a mental disorder that requires life long treatment, and causes “some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and behavior that impairs daily functioning, and can be disabling.”

Mental health treatment can help patients cope with their symptoms and keep them from becoming debilitating.

Online support groups for those for suffer from mental illness are available through the National Alliance on Mental Illness Long Beach.

Atomic Basement Comics is located at 400 E 3rd St, Long Beach, CA 90802.

Visit Mike and Seol Ahn on their official Instagram, @mikeandseolcomics.

1 comment
  1. Thank you kindly for writing this article about me and my wife. Thanks a million! Yes, things have been really bad, but we are hoping that we can help other people with mental illnesses with our comic book. They are not alone.

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