The first-ever artist I profiled almost four years ago for my now weekly column has left us.
My wonderful friend Alejandra Vernon departed this world on Friday, Jan. 30, but she has left behind a tremendous gift in the absolutely beautiful and unique artwork she created for decades. Because she was such a versatile artist who was inspired by so many different political figures (local and national), musical icons, authors, animals, food and locales, the Signal Tribune used her work numerous times to accompany our stories and special sections. She was always more than willing to grant us permission to publish her work.
For my own work as an artist, Alejandra represents numerous firsts. Not only was she the very first artist of hundreds I profiled (in a feature that published March 4, 2011), she was the first friend to show up at my very first art show and the first to congratulate me on my very first painting sale that night. She also was the first to inform me that a painting I’d done as part of a show at a local gallery had sold— my first gallery sale.
In 2013, I was moved beyond words and extremely honored when she showed up at the Signal Tribune offices to give me a fantastic work of art she’d done of her mother. It was a piece that I’d told her was my favorite among those in an exhibit she’d had at the main branch of the library.
Such a great supporter of my own work as an artist, she only missed two of my shows: one when she had an art opening of her own, and another a few months ago when she’d fallen ill again.
Alejandra, I hope you realize what it meant to me to have such a talented and established artist as you support me like you did. Thank you so much. I hope you’re now with the mother you lovingly depicted in the beautiful artwork you so generously gave me.
Alejandra’s Facebook page has been filled with loving remarks, photos and videos from her friends around the world, so I’ve asked them to share their own thoughts on and memories of her. As you can see, the scope of her love and influence was far-reaching:
Many years ago, Alex [Alejandra’s nickname] and I met at an art opening at a gallery on Atlantic Avenue in Bixby Knolls. This lovely creature walked up to me with that mischievous smile. We became soulmates from then on. One time, I asked Alex to teach me how to paint like her. Shortly, I received a folder, newsy letter with thoughts and how to get started, saying she would check on me later. There was a series of religious books that she totally illustrated, on a very short deadline. She always seemed to accomplish the impossible and kept on working. She had a love of art and incorporated it into every aspect of her life and others. She was generous to a fault, with herself and her art. She didn’t care much about money or possessions. She loved her friends [and] her cats and seemed to be constantly high on life!
Nancy Koelling
Long Beach
Many years ago, I have lost count, I went to the Newton Free Library and saw a wonderful art exhibit. All Alex Vernon. Her collages were luminous and totally “spoke” to me. I fell in love with one of her works— so in love, I was weeping, because it moved me this much. It’s a little black bird, hovering over a dish of fruit, and the words in Hebrew translate as “friend.” We all have these experiences, falling in love. And so I purchased the work and developed an enduring love for all her work, but beyond this, for the artist herself, because love infuses all of her art. It is quintessential Alex. Alex gave her permission for a picture of hers to grace the cover of my daughter and son-in-law’s CD. In all that Alex did, in all that Alex was, it was for dancing, with such grace. We corresponded over the years. Alex sent me many of her notecards for my birthdays. I could not part with most of these. Too meaningful. Too beautiful. I knew she wasn’t well for a long time, but I thought, with great optimism, Alex will beat this. And she did, for the longest time. She was studying Russian, fell in love with [Russian singer] Vitas and his music, traveled to Russia, and, most recently, she had planned to give up her art (not possible) to move to Nicaragua to work with homeless animals, for a shelter. Dear Alex, you were always, about love. In my heart, you will remain, my always, all ways, forever friend.
Ruth Housman
Marshfield Hills, Massachusetts
Alejandra was my sister. We grew up together in Ecuador and Argentina. We only had each other for company because our mother never allowed us to go to school. She said it was a “waste of time.” Therefore, from an early age, self-education was the only way for us. Alex (as I called her) was reading Rimbaud at age 15. She was the most educated and cultural person I knew. She started painting extraordinary paintings at the age of 8 or 9. I remember one of her first paintings was a fish on a colourful plate with a background of a Jewish newspaper. She did amazing portraits. Although she was trained as a ballet dancer, art was her true calling. She was very spiritual and tried to find the true way through various religions, but in fact she was a kind of modern-day saint herself. She loved to speak Spanish, and we laughed a lot speaking in the Argentine accent. I shall miss her. She was too young to go, but her spirit will always remain in my memory. I called her “hermanita” — little sister.
Carol Stuart-Black
New York, New York
Dear Alejandra, we never met each other face to face. But our hearts met over the ocean, in oceans of love. Undescribable, but very true. I’ll never forget you. You’ll stay in my heart forever.
Alice Halvardsdotter Borolin
I only met Alejandra once, at a Vitas concert in Poland, but I immediately liked her. We became good friends on Facebook, messaging each other from time to time. I admired her art and lifestyle a lot, and she was very encouraging towards me when it came to my occasional paintings. Although there’s a significant generation gap between the two of us, I enjoyed talking to her very much. She will be missed, even in the virtual reality that is Facebook.
Alexander Colin
I met Alejandra in Warsaw in 2012 at Vitas’s concert and was immediately fascinated by her lovely personality, charm, kindness, beauty in every feature and gesture. Always caring and considerate to people. Very friendly. And totally sincere and open. There was no false in her at all. And so generous. We all bought bunches of roses only for the singer Vitas, and she got one more for his band. She remembered about everybody. She was tactful and delicate, sensitive to other people’s feelings. Her wonderful smile practically dazzled you with light and warmth.
Still can’t believe she has passed away.
Azmaiparashvili Evgenia
St Petersburg, Russia
I met Alejandra in Warsaw, Poland, in 2012. She flew here to attend a concert of Vitas, Russian singer with very unique voice. She loved him, believed that his music has power to heal. But it was her— she had that power, energy to heal our souls with her beautiful smile and positive attitude. Alex, my dear friend, thank you for everything. It was an honor to be your friend. I will love you always.
Alejandra loved music of Russian singer Vitas. She believed his voice of magic can make people better and healthier. She met him in Warsaw, after the concert. I took a chance and asked Vitas to write at few words about Alex. It is incredible, but he replied. He remembered her! Here is what he wrote in Russian— Vitas does not speak English— and I add the translation: “She was a remarkable woman. I am thankful that I have such loyal fans from the U.S. I am very sorry that she is gone.”
Joanna Dudzinska
Warsaw, Poland
Alex, to me, is my angel friend— lovely lady with a vision at the tip of her brush.
[Everyone who knows] her would love her so. Extraordinary in her talents and gives it all.
My Angel friend, recruit in all that she can offer, at church— time, talents, resources— she gives it all.
Need a friend, meet Alex. Gentle lady, like my favorite aunt.
Everytime we bond, we make memories.
Love her, like my aunt, she knows.
Friend. Wow, she is smart too.
Really a friend indeed.
I know, she was one of them.
Ever meet her, she is sure precious, never a dull moment in our ministry.
Do miss her so, then I pray. Amen
Salvacion (Sally) Sabalza
Long Beach
Alejandra and I first met by Internet. When she decided to come to Europe to go to the concert of Vitas in Warsaw— in 2012— she wrote: “I don’t want to be in my death bed thinking I saved money.” I was impressed and never forgot those words. We met and were very happy together in Warsaw and then again in Berlin— in 2013. The friendship and happiness are still alive in my memory.
Lélia Agostinho
Alejandra came into my life a few years ago after meeting her via the Internet. I never met her in person, but I felt we had a close bond. She was a very sweet lady whom I had great admiration for. I often referred to her as “Mom” because of her loving nature towards others. She loved to think of others by sending them postcards, gifts and letters as she explored the world. She once told me that her inspiration for being kind to others is because of the kindness that was shown to her during her times of struggle. To “give back” was her motto, and because of her huge love for life, she shared her heart and love to everyone without judgment. She will be greatly missed.
Shauna Llewellyn
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Dear Alex will always be in my heart. From her conversations with me and other friends on the Internet and from her pictures, it was clear that she was a graceful and gracious lady— passionate, cultured, interested in so many things in life. She loved all the arts, commenting on posts about ballet, modern dance, even belly dancing— when she sent me a clip of a dancer in an old Egyptian film. She loved music and was a faithful fan not only of Vitas but also other singers of classical music, like Jaroussky. She was also very knowledgeable and interested in other countries, other people, other customs. I respected and admired Alex so much for her kindness and sensitivity to others. But her Art is something else. You cannot pass her wonderful paintings without stopping and staring. They always contain more than is first seen, full of little details, like the Bronte girls with their fictional characters, Vitas with items from his songs, a landscape with 27 hidden animals —and her palette was so vibrant, so intense. It is a joy to look through her virtual gallery. Alex, I am in awe of your person and of your work. I will always miss you and am so honored to have known you.
Sheila Tanani
Cairo, Egypt
I met Alejandra in Warsaw. I knew her just for a short while, and I saw her kindness, her beautiful personality. I’m speechless. With all my heartfelt condolences.
Corinne Lechmann
Hanover, Germany
I never had the pleasure to meet Alejandra in person. I had hoped we would meet one day at a Vitas concert, but it was not meant to be. However, I had the honor to come to know her through our conversations in Facebook. I enjoyed the views and opinions she shared about music, art and even politics. She was a woman who followed her convictions and thought beyond the mainstream. And of course her own artistic talent was wonderful and unique. I came to know only a few small parts of what was Alejandra, and for only a few short years. But she left a lasting impression upon me. I will miss her. I will remember her.
Diane Fetterolf
New Hartford, New York
Unfortunately, I did not have the chance to know Alejandra well except through a shared passion for a wonderful Russian singer who I knew. He illuminated her life and softened her days. As soon as we met, a link was created, an instinctive relationship. I immediately felt her warm presence and her resplendent aura. I finally met her face-to-face in February 2013 at a concert in Berlin, and as soon as I saw her, I felt the full extent of the love emanating from her. The endless love, encompassing everything. Her boundless generosity and her angelic calm were evident. I will always remember this meeting and our subsequent conversations where she knew so well how to advise me in times of doubt. The beauty of her art transcends its strong intellectual beauty. Whenever I see a beautiful bird, a rainbow or a colorful butterfly, I will always think of her, looking upon us with kindness. This is only a temporary goodbye, Alejandra.
Marie-France Homier
Québec, Canada
From left, Signal Tribune managing editor Cory Bilicko and artist Alejandra Vernon, who passed away Friday, Jan. 30, 2015, shown in a photo from June 2012