All of Long Beach quarantined

New health order asks Long Beach residents to stay home to prevent the spread of coronavirus in the city.

All Long Beach residents have been asked to stay at home in order to lessen the spread of coronavirus, as of midnight last night, March 20.

Long Beach’s new “Safer-at-Home” health order aligns with the statewide mandate, and will be in place until Tuesday, April 19, with the possibility of extension.

When they are not doing essential tasks, such as grocery shopping, the public is being asked to stay at home.

“We want to flatten the curve and slow the spread of this pandemic,” Long Beach Mayor Robert Garcia said in his email newsletter on March 19, “so that our hospitals are not overwhelmed by people who need treatment. Changing our daily routine is a difficult but necessary step in protecting our most vulnerable communities while also ensuring the overall health and well-being of our city.”

There are 13 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Long Beach, 675 in California and a total of 10,442 in the United States. A person can carry coronavirus and infect others even if they don’t feel sick or show any symptoms. The spread of the virus has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization and a public health emergency by the City of Long Beach.

Besides asking Long Beach residents to remain home, the health order puts further restrictions on gatherings and events.

While previously, outdoor events with over 250 people and indoor events with over 50 people had been banned, as of last night no gatherings or events with over nine guests are allowed.

According to the health order, when nine or less people gather in Long Beach they should still:
stand at least six feet apart.

• make hand-washing stations or hand-sanitizer available.
• cover coughs using their inner elbow or a tissue.
• not touch their face with unwashed hands.
• clearly post a sign at the public entry of the venue instructing people not to attend if they are not feeling well

Grocery stores, restaurants (for take-out or delivery), health services, pharmacies, banks, gas stations and government services will remain open during the Safer-at-Home health order. Port operations, airport operations, critical transportation services and the construction of residential and commercial buildings will also continue.

Non-essential retail stores, playgrounds, malls and shopping centers have been ordered to close.
Under the order, a shopping center or mall is defined as a building or a series of buildings on a common site with seven or more sales and retail establishments.

Outdoor activities like running, walking and hiking are still allowed but people should continue to use social distancing when engaging in them.

Residents are encouraged to read the full Safer at Home health order put in place by Long Beach City Health Officer Dr. Anissa Davis.

1 comment
  1. I voluntarily choose to follow the federal guidelines. I also have read the published articles that clearly define limits of authority at the state,county and lical levels. Unless the Governor declares Martial Law under the very narrow limits of authority in the State Constitution; no county or city can order a (real) lockdown. Unless jurisdictions are going to deliver food, water and toilet paper they cannot prevent us from shopping. I will continue to obey VOLUNTARY social distancing for the greater good of all, but I will also continue to resist unauthorized bureaucratic over reach of ‘authority’. Closing large open county or city areas was just plain stupid. It forces more, rather than fewer people to use smaller public areas.

    If Long Beach is really concerned about ” gatherings” then close down the homeless camp at the SW corner of Anaheim and Walnut. Theres not even a pretense of social distance there.

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