Election day is a little over a week away, and residents registered to vote in Long Beach and Signal Hill should have received their mail-in ballots by now.
Several Long Beach measures on the ballot this year, such as Measure JB, Measure LB, Measure HC and Measure AC, will be decided by voters. Online election guides make it easy to learn politician’s backgrounds and the details of important measures.
Signal Hill has four candidates running for three city council seats, and Long Beach’s district 4 council seat has two candidates running against each other.
The Signal Tribune has covered several measures and election races:
The Press-Telegram has a breakdown of Measure AC on its website.

Ballotpedia can provide limited information about everything on the ballot, including contributions made to each item and candidate, supporting and opposing arguments and the word-for-word language you’ll see on your ballot. There are several Los Angeles County measures and California propositions on the ballot as well.
Ballots can be returned a few different ways:
- Dropped off at a voting center on Nov. 5 until 8 p.m.
- Dropped off at any of Long Beach’s 19 drop boxes or any of Los Angeles County’s 400 drop boxes, any time.
- Returned by mail with no postage required.
Drop boxes in Long Beach are open 24 hours from now until 8 p.m. on Nov. 5:
- Bixby Park Community Center (130 Cherry Ave.)
- Bret Harte Neighborhood Library (1595 W. Willow St.)
- Burnett Neighborhood Library (560 E. Hill St.)
- California State University, Long Beach (1250 Bellflower Blvd.)
- Dana Neighborhood Library (3680 Atlantic Ave.)
- DeForest Park (6255 De Forest Ave.)
- El Dorado Park West Community Center (2800 N. Studebaker Rd.)
- Freeman Community Center (1205 Freeman Ave.)
- Heartwell Park Community Center (5801 Parkcrest St.)
- Houghton Park Community Center (6301 Myrtle Ave.)
- Long Beach City Hall (411 W. Ocean Blvd.)
- Long Beach Senior Center (1150 E. Fourth St.)
- Marina Vista Park (5355 E. Eliot St.)
- Mark Twain Neighborhood Library (1401 E. Anaheim St.)
- Michelle Obama Neighborhood Library (5870 Atlantic Ave.)
- Ramona Park (3301 E. 65th St.)
- Scherer Park (4600 Long Beach Blvd.)
- Stearns Champions Park (4520 E. 23rd St.)
- Veterans Park (101 E. 28th St.)
- Wardlow Park (3457 Stanbridge Ave.)
For more information, including a current list of all LA County 24-hour Vote by Mail Ballot Drop Boxes, instructions to check registration information or to request a ballot in a different language, visit lavote.gov.