Fallopian Artopians go downtown in Feb. shows

Local performing arts group Fallopian Artopians are back with two new events for 2008 with a unique mix of performance art. Saturday Feb. 9 and Thursday, Feb. 28 will have the artists painting downtown Long Beach red with their live painting performances.
Feb. 9 from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., the Fallopian Artopians will perform for the Neon Art reception at the CD 1 Gallery, located at 441 East First Street in Long Beach. The performance is part of the 2nd Saturday Art Events Openings in Long Beach’s East Village. The show will be complete with live music, a DJ and painting raffle.
On Feb. 28, the Artopians will be taking over the Long Beach Museum of Art from 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. for the Museum After Dark party. The party will have a lounge atmosphere and includes a DJ and cocktails. The Long Beach Museum of Art is located at 2300 Ocean Boulevard in Long Beach.
For more information, visit www.fallopianartopians.com.
