The Neighborhood Resource Center, 425 Atlantic Ave., will offer a free workshop entitled “Save Energy, Save Money” Wednesday, Aug. 18 from 6pm to 7:30pm to teach the public about energy- and water-conservation rebate and incentive programs.
Presenters will be: Meredith Reynolds, sustainability coordinator, City of Long Beach, Office of Sustainability; Matthew Veeh, director of Government and Public Affairs, Long Beach Water Department; and Jim Hodge of Southern California Edison (SCE).
Topics will include the residential energy-efficiency rebate program from the City of Long Beach; water-conservation rebates and programs from the water department; and residential rebates and incentives from SCE.
The workshop will be presented in English, with Spanish and Khmer translation available.
Free parking is available behind the building and on surrounding streets. Attendees are invited to bring canned food to donate to Food Finders to assist Long Beach neighbors during the current economic crisis.
If a special accommodation is desired, call (562) 570-1010 48 hours prior to the event. RSVP to the Neighborhood Resource Center at (562) 570-1010 or email Scottie Hinkey at