The City of Signal Hill is planning to redesign Hillbrook Park, a small park near the border of Long Beach.
In March 2021, Signal Hill City Council approved the Parks and Recreation Master Plan (PRMP) for 2021 to 2031, which outlines the upgrades and additions that would be made to park facilities. In June 2021, city council approved an accompanying Prioritization and Implementation Plan (PIP), which laid out the order in which parks projects would be completed.
Among the prioritized park projects included in the City’s plan is the redesign of the 0.54 acre Hillbrook Park, including the addition of a new playground.
The Director of the Public Works Department, Thomas Bekele, said the new design for Hillbrook Park will cost over $174,000.

The City of Signal Hill has entered into a contract with the landscape architecture and planning firm Architerra Design Group to conduct public outreach and design the plans for Hillbrook Park.
Architerra Design Group hosted two community outreach events in April and May, and created an online survey that residents were able to take until May 10.
According to a presentation by the Parks and Recreation Commission on May 17, the following changes to Hillbrook Park have been prioritized:
- Removing the dry creek bed and repurposing the entire lot
- Redesigning the playground to include natural play equipment and a swing bay
- Adding shelter covering to cement picnic tables
- Adding elements to encourage interaction with nature
During the upcoming city council meeting on June 13, a presentation will be given to inform the council members and the public about the feedback Architerra Design Group gathered from the community.
Signal Hill City Council meetings are held biweekly at 7 p.m, and can be watched online live or as a recording on Granicus.