Cory Bilicko
Managing Editor
Where were you born?
Manila, Philippines
Where do you live now?
Alhambra, Los Angeles, CA
How old are you?
What job(s) do you have?
I work at the front desk of the library at my school.
Did you study art in school?
Yes, I’m currently working on my BFA at Art Center College of Design. I’ll graduate at the end of 2016.
What medium(s) do you work in?
For my works on paper, primarily acrylic and colored pencil on BFK Rives printmaking paper. But when it comes to paintings, I really enjoy working with oils, although I haven’t been doing that as much as I’d like to lately.
Where do you create your artwork?
I share a studio at home with my roommate. It helps a lot to have an opinion you trust right next to you.
How would you characterize the work you do?
Uncomfortable imagery done in a comfortable aesthetic.
What inspires you the most?
Korean pop music videos, of course.
You seem to be a very productive artist who works in several different mediums. How often do you work on your art?
Since starting art school two years ago, it has gotten really committed. I would say I’m consistently making things month by month— when in school, several projects are overlapping week by week. But when I’m not creating, I’m looking. One of my favorite things to do is make the gallery rounds around L.A.
What do you hope to achieve with your art?
I try not to romanticize my aspirations too much, but what I really want is to live off my artwork and turn this hobby into a career.
To view more of Santamaria’s work, visit .