Signal Hill residents and City officials sang carols, snapped photos and welcomed Santa Claus to town at a decked out Christmas Tree Lighting event Wednesday evening.
Hundreds of families packed into Jessie Nelson Circle in front of City Hall to witness the lawn and adjacent park become illuminated with Christmas lights and displays. The evening began with a capella group The Alley Cats drawing laughter and singing from the crowd with holiday favorites.
Children screamed with joy when Santa and Mrs. Claus rolled up to the event in an old-fashioned automobile, complete with a police escort. The Clauses helped councilmember Keir Jones commence a countdown to dazzle the crowd with a giant lit up tree and sparkling displays across Signal Hill Park.
Families, City officials and dogs showed up in their festive fits to take pictures with Santa or with the giant Christmas tree on the City Hall lawn. City staff spent the night giving out centennial ornaments, playing games with kids and informing the public about local resources.
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