From Memorial Day to Labor Day, Long Beach will offer hundreds of free or low-cost cultural programs, sports activities and special events throughout the whole city. “100 Days of Summer” is a partnership between the City of Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine and the Long Beach Convention & Visitors Bureau to bring residents access to all Long Beach has to offer this summer.
“100 Days of Summer” will kick off Friday, May 27, with a performance by DSB (Don’t Stop Believin’), a Journey tribute band, at Marina Vista Park, at Colorado Street and Santiago Avenue. The event will begin at 5pm with bouncers, face painting, and family games leading up to the DSB performance at 6:30pm.
Admission is free. Concertgoers are encouraged to bring blankets, chairs and picnic dinners to relax on the lawn for an evening of family fun.
The  “100 Days of Summer” campaign encourages residents to “stay and play” in Long Beach. The website 100daysofsummer.org is a one-stop information source for detailed suggestions of summer activities happening every day from Memorial Day to Labor Day in Long Beach.
The website is full of program listings for free concerts and movies, Long Beach Sea Festival events, the El Dorado Nature Center, Rancho Los Cerritos and Rancho Los Alamitos historic sites, and ideas for spontaneous fun like biking, golf, tennis, kayaking swimming, and free drop-in youth and teen programs. The online calendar lets people browse hundreds of events, and more than 500 classes in the arts, sports, music and more.
“From concerts in the park to movies on the beach, there are many great events and activities happening right here in Long Beach for free,” said Long Beach Mayor Bob Foster. “There’s no reason to leave town to find fun this summer, as there is something for everyone to enjoy.”