The City of Long Beach is asking residents of the Washington, Cambodia Town, and Zaferia neighborhoods to share what changes they want to see in their communities by taking an online survey by April 22.
“It is important that we collect a sample size that is statistically significant and represents the racial diversity of the existing community,” the Development Services Department’s Planning Bureau said in an emailed statement to the Signal Tribune.
The survey can be taken in English, Spanish, Khmer and Vietnamese.
The information gathered from the survey will be used to inform the City’s Zone In: City Core (ACZIP) plan to update zoning regulations in the Central area of the city.
The data from this first survey will help Development Services form a better understanding of what priorities and goals residents of Washington, Cambodia Town, and Zaferia have for this planning process.
The project area is bounded by Pacific Coast Highway, 10th Street and Magnolia and Ximeno Avenues.
According to the Development Services Department’s Planning Bureau, over 600 people have taken the survey as of April 15.
The Development Services Department said that while this first survey is targeted towards residents of the Washington, Cambodia Town, and Zaferia neighborhoods, a second survey for businesses in the same areas will soon be released.
The upcoming survey targeted towards businesses will be more specifically related to zoning recommendations.