Tuesday’s (March 17) [Signal Hill City] council meeting was the time when the council elects one of their own as mayor. Normally, the mayor is selected by simple rotation. Larry Forester would be the new mayor using this method of election. What happened at the meeting was a surprise to all in the meeting audience.
What happened? Well, two council members, Ed Wilson and Lori Woods, tried to throw Larry under the bus by saying Larry should not be mayor since he could not be respected due to his alleged racial slur and “egregious” behavior in an event that occurred last August. Subsequently, Larry took responsibility for the event, and he apologized to all concerned. Apparently, since Larry was just re-elected, the voting residents have accepted his apology and forgiven him. They must feel his leadership skills overshadow one inappropriate moment. Thankfully, three councilmembers agree with them and elected Larry as the new mayor.
I am very disappointed by councilmembers Wilson and Woods’ decision to try to stop a very capable twice-elected mayor from serving in that position again. I am even more disappointed in the way they went about it— by embarrassing Larry in a very public meeting in front of his supporters. A private meeting would have been a much more appropriate forum. I think the timing of their decision to be transparent was not a good choice. The only result that I can see that they achieved is a potential adversarial council.
I hope that the full council can put this event behind them and move ahead for the good of the city.
Gary Dudley
Signal Hill