I live on the busy corner of 21st Street and Junipero Avenue, and I realize local traffic has increased due to the Cherry Avenue-widening project. However, I often cannot safely back out of my driveway on Junipero due to cars turning right and speeding downhill around that corner (and usually not stopping at the stop sign). It is scary, and I am afraid there will be an accident before the project is completed in June. Who has the right-of-way? Who is at fault? A car heading uphill or downhill? I know I have to wait to back out of my driveway safely, but I am offended by the lack of courtesy by drivers in a big hurry. Rush! Rush!
This is a concern by many of us who live on busy corners or “cross-over” streets that people use to cut through neighborhoods. May I ask whoever reads this to please slow down and allow a resident to back out of their own driveway? You would want others to do the same for you.
Can’t we just all get along?
Cecilia Fidora
Signal Hill