Seeing green
Intellectual Virtues Academy of Long Beach, a new tuition-free charter middle school of the Long Beach Unified School District, congratulates their student-driven green team the Evergreens [pictured below].
The Evergreens were selected to attend the annual Plastic Ocean Pollution Solutions (POPS) International Youth Summit, Friday, Feb. 27 through Sunday, March 1 at the Ocean Institute in Dana Point. Ninety students from around the world will participate in a weekend filled with inspiring speakers and hands-on workshops focused on finding solutions to plastic pollution in the oceans.
The summit is organized by Algalita Marine Research and Education of Long Beach, a nonprofit organization committed to solving the plastic pollution crisis in our oceans. Students were selected based on their innovative projects and solutions to plastic ocean pollution. The summit offers students the chance to learn about current scientific research on plastic pollution, share their projects with peers and work directly with mentors to talk about plans to move projects forward.
Learn more at .
Rebecca Irwin
Intellectual Virtues Academy