Letters, emails and website comments | Nov. 20

Flight of fancy?
Yes, we need an international airport to bring terrorists directly to Long Beach from all over the world!

R.A. Allen
Long Beach

[aesop_image imgwidth=”350px” img=”http://www.signaltribunenewspaper.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Screen-Shot-2015-11-20-at-9.59.25-AM.png” align=”right” lightbox=”on” captionposition=”right”] Paying it forward
Alberto De Leon (far left) of Signal Hill and his family, wife and four children were the quest of Val Rodriguez (far right), also of Signal Hill, at the Veterans Day celebration in Huntington Beach. Rodriguez, a World War [sic] veteran, provided the De Leon Family with scarves that Rodriguez was presented by survivors of the Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria, liberated on the Cinco de Mayo, 1945.
Rodriguez served on occupation duty at the end of World War II in 25 sub camps of the Mauthausen camp complex. The scarves were from Russian, Polish, Spaniards and Italian survivors. The scarves are worn at every liberation ceremony by survivors and or their families.

Alvaro (Val) Rodriguez
Signal Hill
