Power to the (young) people
Thank you so much for your support and cooperation [“When one and a half hours a week makes a difference: A local nonprofit is seeking adults for its teen mentoring program,” Aug. 26, 2016]. This month, we had a bunch of volunteers come to our orientation because of the cover story. Thank you again on behalf of Power 4 Youth.
Samana Budhathoki
Power 4 Youth
Match supervisor
“Foul” behavior
Many of you know that in the mid-90s, spcaLA created and still operates Animal Safety Net (ASN), a domestic-violence program designed to shelter pets while a battered victim can flee to an emergency shelter. All abusers use the pet as leverage to control and retain their victims, and many victims won’t leave their pet behind. Frequently, the pets are also abused.
There are many excuses tendered by batterers as to why they are agitated and must strike out. Alcohol, unemployment, extreme heat and all of the above are the common ones.
But did you know that watching a football game is even more dangerous? Every year, when preseason football begins, incidents of domestic violence spike exponentially and remain high through the Superbowl.
This year is no different. spcaLA just received 17 pets, it seems, right after the first coin toss! One cat came in with a fractured skull after having a chair thrown at him. (This, of course, will incur the charge of animal cruelty in addition to any other applicable charges.) This pattern has not abated for as long as I have been in a law-enforcement career.
While there are reports of the correlation between the game itself and family violence, and some emulating of football players involved in domestic violence, there are no formal studies that prove this, just anecdotal evidence via the victims.
So, what can I say? Please be aware of this phenomenon, and if you see something, say something. The excuse that, “I got excited during the game” must not now nor ever stand.
Madeline Bernstein
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Los Angeles