From left: Milia Islam-Majeed and Pastor Rob Robins
It is with a heavy, heavy heart that I write this to inform you that our beloved Pastor Rob Robins passed away [Tuesday] from what is believed to be a heart attack. I spoke with his wife Betty this morning and expressed our heartfelt sorrow and conveyed our prayers on behalf of the South Coast Interfaith Council (SCIC) family that he loved so very much. It is difficult to think of the SCIC without also thinking of Pastor Rob; indeed he was there from the very beginning and served on the SCIC board for so many years.
He firmly believed in what the interfaith council stood for and contributed profoundly to the success of this organization. He was a man of great stature with a soft and caring heart, and he will be missed immensely.
The last thing I remember him telling me as we were concluding what was to be our last phone conversation was, “God is good. God bless you.” It is hard to remember a conversation with him where he didn’t express those exact two sentiments.
When asking Betty this morning if there is anything his interfaith family could do to help at this time, I was told that they need help covering the expenses for the funeral services. To that end, SCIC will be collecting donations that will go towards this cause. If you are able to help, please go to scinterfaith.org/donate and make a contribution. Please click on the “Add special instructions to the seller” option and indicate on there that the donation is for “Pastor Rob’s funeral cost.” Please know all the donations collected will go directly towards that.
Pastor Rob, your smile and legacy will, no doubt, continue to inspire us to do our work of making this world a better place for all. You will be deeply missed by your interfaith family, who will forever love you so, so dearly.
Milia Islam-Majeed
SCIC Executive Director