Safety first
I want to thank our Long Beach Police Department and the Long Beach Unified School District for their incredible work in addressing school threats that are arising here locally and across the region. Law-enforcement departments across the nation are on high alert, and we are doing everything we can to swiftly address any threats and to keep all of our schools safe.
As you may be aware, we have had a few threats arise at some of our local Long Beach schools in the last few days. These threats were swiftly responded to and addressed by our Long Beach Police Department.
We take every threat, or perceived threat, incredibly seriously.
Our top priority is the safety of our community and our kids and students in our schools. You will notice increased police presence at some of our schools. The school district is also directly communicating with parents, guardians, teachers and students.
Our police department has already put out two informational releases on the recent incidents. You can read them [at]
Thanks again.
Robert Garcia
Long Beach
“Everyday” items that some go without
In an effort to help provide low-income Long Beach seniors with the essentials they need to make it through the month, Long Beach-based nonprofit The Heart of Ida is collecting and distributing wish list items now through March 22.
For many low-income Long Beach seniors, after paying rent and purchasing food, there is little to no money left for the household and personal hygiene items many of us take for granted, including toilet paper. In fact, toilet paper is a coveted prize at the Long Beach Senior Center’s weekly Bingo games, for just that reason.
Volunteers at The Heart of Ida hear from seniors who are washing their hair, bodies, dishes and clothing with dish-washing liquid for lack of other supplies.
For this reason, The Heart of Ida will be collecting donations of the following items:
• shampoo
• dish soap
• Kleenex
• soap
• lotion
• body wash
• sponges
• toothpaste
• cleaning supplies
• toothbrushes
• foil
• urinary pads
• disposable razors
• light bulbs
• shaving cream
• wipes
• washcloths
• bandages
• tampons
• brushes and combs
• toilet paper
• socks
• laundry detergent
• blankets
Community members who wish to donate can drop off goods at the front desk of the Long Beach Senior Center, located at 1150 E. 4th St., Monday through Friday from 9am to 3pm through Wednesday, March 21 or take advantage of The Heart of Ida’s curbside service on Saturday, March 3 from 9am to noon. The donations will be distributed to seniors in need at the Long Beach Senior Center on March 22 from 1pm to 3pm.
Dina Berg
Heart of Ida
Sticky fingers, helping hands
The Signal Hill Police Department would like to thank our law-enforcement partners and the community for helping us identify the mail-theft suspect. [“SHPD seeking public’s help in identifying mail-theft suspect,” Feb. 23, 2018] Today, the suspect was contacted at his home, and he was arrested for the mail theft and five outstanding arrest warrants.
Signal Hill Police Department
Regretful resignation
With your help, I launched my campaign for State Senate last year with the goal of creating positive change and restoring effective leadership to California’s 34th Senate District. I am proud of the progress we have made over the past six months, which is what makes it difficult to write this letter.
Early in January, I developed a blood clot in my right eye that seriously affected my vision. The process to treat this problem requires a series of painful procedures, and there is no promise of a full recovery. This medical condition has made campaigning difficult in recent weeks. As many of you know, I am still teaching at Cal State Long Beach, drafting curriculum for an online course in healthcare compliance and ethics, and co-raising my 8-year-old granddaughter.
I used to think I could do it all, but at this point, it’s best for me to end my campaign in order to devote more time to taking care of myself. As you might know, another Democratic candidate has entered the race, and his presence will ensure Senator Janet Nguyen has a challenger in the fall.
I want to thank my supporters, my donors, my volunteers, my campaign team and of course, my incredibly patient and wonderful partner, Flo Pickett.
Please know that I am forever grateful that you all joined me on this journey.
Gerrie Schipske
Former 5th District Councilmember
Long Beach