The Long Beach Continuum of Care (CoC), led by the Long Beach Department of Health and Human Services-Homeless Services Division, has been awarded $8.17 million, the largest competitive grant it has received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), according to Long Beach CoC. The funding includes $1.06 million to expand housing and support services and $7.11 million to support ongoing homeless projects and add new planning capabilities.
The Long Beach CoC is a collaboration of service providers working together to end homelessness. The central hub for intake and assessment for the Long Beach CoC is the multi-service center, which averages 26,000 client visits annually, making it the primary point of entry for persons seeking homeless services assistance in Long Beach.
During the 2013 HUD competition, the Long Beach CoC was designated as a unified funding agency (UFA). Among the 410 CoCs nationwide, Long Beach and Columbus, Ohio, are the only two CoCs to have received this status, which establishes greater local control and decision-making authority over federal funding for programs that serve individuals and families experiencing homelessness. The grant will fund two new projects to support the Health Department-led unified funding agency planning activities
The Long Beach CoC received one of only 25 new permanent housing bonus project awards nationwide, as part of a special competition to make progress toward the national goal of ending chronic homelessness. The three-year project will provide a total of $1.06 million to help chronically homeless individuals achieve and maintain housing stability, increase self-sufficiency, and improve health outcomes, according to LB CoC.
Those who require assistance or have questions regarding homeless services may contact the Long Beach Multi-Service Center at (562) 570-4500.
Source: LB CoC