The Long Beach Department of Health and Human Services will accept essential items such as clothing, food and hygiene kits from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. this Saturday.
Long Beach residents can donate a variety of items to people experiencing homelessness during the Department of Health and Human Services’ upcoming donation drive-thru.
The department’s Main Facilities Center located at 2525 Grand Ave., will be accepting essential items from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. this Saturday. Following the event, donations will be distributed at the Multi-Service Center (MSC) and by local partner organizations.
“Since 2023, our incredible community has been coming together to collect items for people experiencing homelessness, contributing over 39,000 items, which we distribute to people experiencing homelessness and our partners, including nonprofits and faith-based organizations, who serve our neighbors experiencing homelessness,” said Mayor Rex Richardson in a public statement. “Donating an essential item is one small way you can make a big difference.”

The following items are requested for Saturday’s donation drive:
- Supplies: Backpacks filled with items such as sunscreen, reusable water bottles, sun hats, flashlights, battery packs, batteries (especially D batteries) and charging cables.
- Clothing: Sweatpants, shirts, socks, underwear, caps, hoodies, towels, blankets ranging from size small to XXL. Gently used versions of these items will also be accepted.
- Pets: Pet care kits with items such as pet food, treats, collars, leashes, pet toys or collapsible pet bowls.
- Food: Canned food (along with small, manual can openers), bottled juices and/or water, granola bars, power bars, instant oatmeal or instant soup.
- Kits: Hygiene kits or house-warming gift kits from the Multi-Service Center’s Amazon Wish List. Welcome home kits containing items from the list and an uplifting hand-written note within the kits are also encouraged.
Gift cards can also be donated directly to the MSC but will not be accepted during the donation drive-thru; drop-off times can be scheduled by calling 562-570-4586.

Physical items can also be donated at several locations throughout Long Beach, including all open Long Beach Public Library locations during business hours. Additional donation drop-off locations include the following:
- Boys and Girls Club of Long Beach (3635 Long Beach Blvd.) – Open Mondays through Fridays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Scherer Park Community Center, (4654 Pasadena Ave.) – Open Mondays through Fridays 3 to 6 p.m.
The City has collected over 39,000 community donations for unhoused residents since February 2023. Local nonprofit organizations who support community members experiencing homelessness can receive a portion of donated items for distribution through the City of Long Beach Donation Request Form.
For more information about the City’s homelessness outreach events and updates can follow @lbhealthdept and @longbeachcity on social media as well as the hashtag #EveryoneHomeLB.