The Long Beach Utilities Commission is set to hold a public hearing on proposed rate increases to Long Beach water and sewer bills on Monday, Aug. 19. This is the last opportunity residents have to keep their bills from going up.
During the hearing, members of the public will have the opportunity to submit public comments and protest the proposed 11% increase in water rates and an 8 percent increase in sewer rates.
These proposed hikes were previously discussed and adopted by the Board of Utilities Commissioners during public budget workshops held on May 2, May 16, and June 6. The Board of Utilities Commissioners decided that the rate increases were necessary in order to maintain and improve the local water system.
The increases are also meant to help the City to more efficiently access groundwater in the area in order to cut down on the City’s reliance on imported water, according to an email by Diana C Tang, Assistant General Manager of Long Beach Utilities.

Proposition 218, approved by California voters in 1996, mandates a public hearing before implementing rate increases for water or sewer services.
All utility account holders and members of the public are invited to attend. The Board may adopt the proposed rate increases if a majority of water and sewer account holders do not formally protest. A majority of account holders would represent approximately 45,0001 people.
The rates must then be approved by the Long Beach City Council before taking effect on October 1, 2024. For an average Long Beach residential customer, the proposed rate increases would mean an additional $9 per month, including $6 for water, $1 for sewer, and $2 for a previously approved natural gas rate increase. Gas rates are not subject to Proposition 218.
Formal protests under Proposition 218 can be submitted via email to or mailed to the following address:
Long Beach Board of Utilities Commissioners
Attn: Executive Assistant to the Board
1800 E. Wardlow Road
Long Beach, CA 90807
The hearing will take place on Monday, Aug. 19 at 7 p.m. at the Long Beach Utilities Administration Building, located at 1800 East Wardlow Road. The venue is accessible via Long Beach Transit Bus routes 21, 23, 71, and 131, and free visitor parking is available.
Protests must be received by the close of the public hearing on August 19, 2024. Requests for language interpretation at the hearing should be emailed to by 5 p.m. on August 5, 2024.
Comments are closed.