The Signal Tribune thoroughly enjoyed going through pictures of our reader’s cuddly, happy rescue dogs in our “Camera-ready Canines” series:

Bean, a.k.a. Lady Beansley from Lorena Rodriguez.
This next photo prompt is for the more adventurous photographers who roam their city at all hours of the day.
Earlier this week, our reporter and photographer went on a nighttime photo walk hosted by a local photographer (read about it here). Thus, our new photo prompt was inspired.
We’re inviting our readers to view their neighborhood in a new light—the moonlight.
Grab your camera and send in your best photos of Long Beach and Signal Hill at night, whether you see bright neon signs illuminating the street, sidewalk vendors selling food to late-night customers, or the odd coyote darting through the neighborhood.
Send your entries through email to or to our Instagram page @SignalTribune. Please include your name, city and a short caption.