Long Beach residents are invited to be proactive about the dangers of natural disasters at the Tsunami Preparedness Fair this Saturday at Will Rogers Mini Park.
This event is organized by the Long Beach Department of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Communications and is part of California’s Tsunami Preparedness Week (March 22-30). This annual observance is aimed at encouraging residents to develop and practice evacuation plans for their families, home and workplace.
“We are fortunate to live on the Pacific Rim with miles of beautiful beaches and oceanfront views; however, with that comes the threat of tsunamis,” said Mayor Rex Richardson in a public statement. “Tsunami Preparedness Week and the Tsunami Preparedness Fair will provide opportunities for residents to learn more and practice their plans to stay safe during a tsunami by moving to higher ground.”
The Tsunami Preparedness Fair will have expert speakers and resource booths from City departments as well as regional emergency management agencies that will have educational materials and tips on how to prepare.
Interested attendees can take part in the optional Tsunami Walk at the event, which will simulate a tsunami evacuation and encourage residents to take action when within a tsunami hazard zone. The walk will start at 10:30 a.m. departing from Will Rogers Mini Park and heading to the Red Car Greenbelt (Fourth Street and Park Avenue) outside the tsunami hazard zone.
During the walk, Disaster Preparedness staff will provide resources and preparedness tips. For any access or functional needs accommodations, residents are encouraged to email Disaster Preparedness Officer Luis Valdez at Luis.Valdez@longbeach.gov.
“Tsunamis are a rare but real threat to our community. Unlike earthquakes, however, tsunamis provide natural warnings before they arrive. If you are near the beach when this occurs, you should move to higher ground as quickly as possible,” said Reginald Harrison, Director of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Communications, in a public statement. “The Tsunami Preparedness Fair is a great opportunity for the public to engage with local experts to learn those warning signs and practice moving to safety.”

To better prepare for a potential tsunami, residents are encouraged to do the following:
- Know Your Zone – Find out if you live or work in the tsunami hazard zone and plan an evacuation route by visiting the My Hazards webpage.
- Make a Plan – Develop a family emergency plan to help you think ahead about what steps you can take to keep your household safe during an emergency (English, Spanish).
- Learn the Signs – Tsunamis often have warning signs such as an earthquake, a loud roar from the ocean or unusual oceanic behavior, such as a sudden rise or a sudden draining of water showing the ocean floor.
- Be Ready to Evacuate – After receiving a tsunami warning from public officials or seeing the signs of a tsunami, get off the beach, out of the hazard zone and move to higher ground.
- Stay Alert – Sign up for Alert Long Beach to receive emergency notifications from the City of Long Beach via phone, email or text.
- Get Connected – Follow @lbdisasterprep on social media for Tsunami Awareness Week information and year-round preparedness tips.
- Prepare a Go-Bag – Pack a go-bag that’s ready to evacuate if the need arises with essential items necessary for each family member and pets to be safe, comfortable and self-sustaining for up to five days.
Residents are also encouraged to join the Community Emergency Response Team or take classes through the American Red Cross to learn emergency medical procedures.
The Tsunami Preparedness Fair will take place Saturday, March 29 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Will Rogers Mini Park (Appian Way and Nieto Avenue).
To learn more about disaster preparedness tips and local resources, visit the Department of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Communications website or @LBDisasterPrep on Facebook and Instagram. For more information about tsunami warning signs and evacuation routes, download the Tsunami Preparedness Guide, available in English and Spanish.