Port plans to prioritize funding for community health, facility improvement and community infrastructure.
The Port of Long Beach will be holding two public workshops to gather input to help determine priorities for its Community Grants Program. This program aims to mitigate the health and environmental impact of port operations on the local area.
The Community Grants Program, valued at over $46 million, supports projects addressing the needs of the community most affected by port-related environmental impacts. These initiatives include expanding asthma services, managing stormwater runoff through permeable parking lots and creating open space buffers between port operations and communities.
The program, along with a previous initiative launched in 2009, has reserved over $65 million, establishing it as the largest voluntary port mitigation effort in the United States. As of now, $38.8 million has been committed.
Participants in the two upcoming workshops will receive information and can provide feedback on the Port’s plans for distributing funds in three areas: community health, facility improvement and community infrastructure. The Port encourages potential grant applicants to attend.
The first workshop will take place in person on Saturday, Dec. 2, from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Dana Neighborhood Library at 3680 Atlantic Ave. Interested individuals can RSVP by emailing grants@polb.com.
The second workshop will be held virtually on Thursday, Dec. 7, from 4 p.m to 5 p.m. To register for the virtual workshop, visit https://ow.ly/gKyq50Q6tr7.
Spanish translation will be available upon request. Translation requests should be sent to jennifer.williams@polb.com at least 72 hours in advance.
For more information about the Community Grants Program, visit www.polb.com/grants.
Those who are unable to attend a workshop can fill out an online survey available at www.polb.com/grants, available online until Dec. 18.