Nonprofits have until Sept. 30 to submit the application for their events.
Nonprofit organizations are invited to apply for the Port of Long Beach’s Community Sponsorship Program, which funds community events and activities that help inform residents about the Port.
The Port is looking for events that center on the arts, environment, education, social justice and historic preservation. Community groups can submit sponsorship applications online Sept. 1, through Sept. 30. at 5 p.m.
Due to the application review process, applicants are advised to plan well in advance for their events. Events in this sponsorship call must take place at least 60 days after the end of the call to leave time for the review, consideration and recommendation process prior to the decision by the Board of Harbor Commissioners.

Applications will be judged on how effectively the proposed events and activities can help the Port inform the community of its critical role as an environmental steward, economic engine and job creator.
Events chosen should include promotional, marketing and community outreach opportunities for the Port.
The Port accepts sponsorship applications three times a year: in January, May and September. For the previous call in May, Harbor Commissioners awarded 268 community sponsorships totaling $926,150. The Harbor Commission approved a significant increase in funds for the sponsorship program to accommodate increased participation from community organizations.
For more information on the Port’s Community Sponsorship Program and how to apply, go to