The Port of Long Beach is seeking applicants for a new $5-million community grant program designed to help medical centers, senior facilities and health organizations improve health by limiting exposure to air pollution and increasing health awareness in areas of Long Beach closest to the Port and its trade corridors.
In this second round of Port Grant Programs, the Port is reaching out to medical centers, convalescent homes and other health-care sites to reduce indoor air pollution. Health organizations and agencies would also be invited to seek funding for outreach and screening programs that address respiratory and cardiopulmonary issues. The first round of the Port’s community grants recently announced nearly $5 million in aid to local schools and day-care facilities.
The applications for the program are now available, and a series of three workshops to help the public apply for grants will be
• Wednesday, Oct. 20, 2pm to 3:30pm, Cesar Chavez Park, 401 Golden Ave.
• Thursday, Oct. 21, 6pm to7:30pm, Miller Family Health Education Center, 3820 Cherry Ave.
• Thursday, Oct. 28, 6pm to 7:30pm, Mark Twain Library, 1401 E. Anaheim St.
More Information
1-888-789-GRANT (4726)