Public meeting on Skylinks Regional Stormwater Capture Project this Saturday

An aerial view of one of the intake pumps at the Alamitos Generating Station between the Los Cerritos Channel and the San Gabriel River on Oct. 3, 2023. (Richard H. Grant | Signal Tribune)

The Long Beach Department of Public Works is inviting the public to a meeting this Saturday where they’ll discuss an overview of the Skylinks Regional Stormwater Capture Project and recent updates. 

During the meeting, attendees will receive insights on a current project timeline and view the unveiling of the facility’s design. Members of the project team will also be on hand to answer questions from the community. 

The goal of the Skylinks Regional Stormwater Capture Project is to improve stormwater quality and create usable open space. It will look to do so by intercepting dry-weather flow and stormwater runoff from the Los Cerritos Channel and diverting it to an underground concrete infiltration basin with 2 million gallons of storage. 

The project is estimated to cost $10.5 million and is fully funded by Los Angeles County Measure W funds, with additional features including walking trails, benches, native plants and interpretive signage. 

The most recently available project update from March 2024 was the publication of its Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration and related documents, which are available to view on the Community Development Department’s Environmental Reports website

Skylinks Golf Course is owned by Long Beach and maintained by the City’s Parks, Recreation, and Marine Department. The Los Cerritos Channel is owned and operated by the Los Angeles County Flood Control District. 

The Skylinks Regional Stormwater Capture Project community meeting will take place Saturday, March 29 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Wardlow Park Community Center, located at 3457 Stanbridge Ave. More information about the project, including a list of previous updates, can be viewed at

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