Reminicing Revealed

remi-revealed.jpgOn Oct. 11, the Signal Tribune asked readers what they remembered about this picture showing ladies from the Long Beach Emblem Club.

Emblem Club Press Correspondent Glenda Walls wrote in, saying:
We were surprised and pleased with the fantastic picture in Reminiscing on Oct. 11. Yes, someone was able to identify them. Our current President Maggie Beck, a 50-some-year member, knew the names of every one of them and could even give me the correct spelling for each.
From left to right they are Claritta Odett, Ruth Bothell, Ethel Monasmith, Lou Heisner and Ruby Authier. They are all, to the best of our knowledge, deceased.
The members of Long Beach Emblem Club 106 have long appreciated the excellent coverage that the Signal Tribune has given us. It has enabled us to get word out to the community about the various philanthropic projects that we provide to more than 30 worthwhile organizations.
Besides our local charities we cut coupons and mail them to service families stationed overseas, collect and send Campbell labels for school supplies, etc. We often make the trip over to the Ronald McDonald House in Orange County with the sacks of beverage pull tabs that help provide housing for parents of the children with cancer in the hospital across the street.
The publicity you provide us on our various fundraisers helps to make sure they are a success and enable us to continue our good work.
Thank you again.
