Reminiscing Revealed : Rose Yates

In the Sept. 6 issue of the Signal Tribune, we asked readers to identify the people in the photo above.

Gayle Rexroad
of Long Beach said:
I don’t know who the man was, but I know the woman. She is Rose Yates and she was a friend of my mother’s. She lived in the Virginia Country Club part of Long Beach.
I don’t know what award or certificate she got, it looks like a city council meeting, but she was so involved with the school.
She had a daughter who was disabled and tried to start a school for the disabled children. There were places for “mentally retarded” people, but she didn’t like that. She wanted a school for disabled children but not have it be a “mental retardation” kind of deal. She came really close to doing it before she came ill.
She was really involved with her daughter and with getting this school done. [Rose} wanted something different for her.

Do you have a photo to share? Send your vintage image by email or let us scan it so that Signal Tribune readers can reminisce with you.
